Monday, August 30, 2004
thIs moRning...i waKe up veRy earLy..for My faMily daY!!!!!!!!!
wE weNt to geYlang for brEakfAst..very Nice~ the dim sum at "he ji bao"
deN we weNt to taKe phOtos of tHe condos and TerranCe housing mY daD build recently~
so nice~ proud of him man~
dEn wE wenT to bRowse neW hOuse car..mY daD wan tO buy..
dEn wE trY to diScoUrage hIm..
buThegoOd...he roLe plAy at thE exhItbiT fUnny~
wahahha~ deN acT oUt hoW his bosS oR cliEnt thInk of hIm whEn he gOeS arOund wIth a Pick-uP..
thInk i inHert tHe 'rOle-plAy' geNes frOm hiM man~
i toOk somE piC of mYseLf in mY daD's picK-uP..hehez~
afTer thAt wE weNt to thE seMbaWang hoTsprinG~~
so hOt thE watER~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reAlly admIre my daD foR havinG tHe cOurage to bAth thEre~!!!!
but thE waTer heLp my daD la...
at lEast nOw hIs facE bettEr le...hehez~
i'M reAlly upSet wIth my bOy...
y iSsiT thaT hE'll aLways gRumbLe aNd cMplaIn whenever i hAve
faMily day.......
i LOVE my FAmily sO much...
iS he The one For me?????
saddiE saD sAd Sad....
simoney lost her way @
12:19 PM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
am i preTty??
simoney lost her way @
9:22 PM
pic of the terrance house my dad build at changi
simoney lost her way @
9:21 PM
thIs blOg is wrItteN speCially foR thoSe who knOw abT
heLlo kItTy..
i veRy scare sHe wiLl turn to Me.....vEry sCare..
u aLl muZ prOteCt mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wE muZ uniTe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i rEallY veRy scARe
buT i caN't heLp mYself bUt tend to trEAt tHis dOll beTter.
i feEl so gUilty..
coS i agree wIf u aLl to dIslikE hello kItty~
heLp mE!!!!!!!!!!!
simoney lost her way @
2:19 PM
kK...i nAggy...hehe~
story end fOr "yeSterday".. hehe!
todAy..i meeT yh ouTsiDe wRs fOr breAkfast...
chIckeN riCe....Np nP nP nP trAditIon
deN we weNt to wRs taKe heR O ceRt..
mEt imPiaN, arMelia, kaI sIang, Min kaIand Eng hEng
SO MISS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
buT thEy haVe to can't chaT mucH..
den i meEt boy bOY..
wE weNt to paRco..teMple pRay Pray..hahhaa~
didn"t take AmulEt for deb...cOs thEre aLot oF pPle..
deN weNt shOpping..hehez~ bought a skirt boY boY like..
not bad.,.
but i VerY scaRe thE oWner..sOOOooo.."aggRessIve"
deN i weNt to kFc for dInneR..
nOt bad arhz...
yesTerdAy still bOught a shoRt from ebase...
C guyS~!!!!!!!!!!!
i'M bRoked~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anD i knOw...
tHe "BROKE" stOry will cOntInue......
simoney lost her way @
2:07 PM
sIaN sIaN..
yesTerday's CcN day is so fun...hehe~ (poor aMy) :P
so fUn man!
i wEnt to maKe the gilTerinG and HennA nIce~
den i WenT to eat fRiend icE-crEam & grEen tEa icE creAm with naN biN~
deN we buy a plate of spaghetti~ niCe...~hahhah
i bought sumthIng fOr mE and bOy bOy..buT the stUpid sTall saY
deLivEr tO me neXt daY...siAn...if nOt can shOw u gUys..cuTies cuTie..
but we bOught ankLes~
bi er, nan bin and me haVe oNe~ aNd we bOught1 fOr paNg pAng~
aNd thE stOry contInue...
fOr dinNer..
mE and bOy bOyweNt to eaSt coaSt eat a loT of tHings!
bbQ fish (hot...)
frIed oyster (Mama~miA)
saTay (very nIce aNd sweEt)
frIed riCe(boy bOy eaT onlY)
not alot la~ ahhahah~
a very happy daY...
PanG paNg...duN jeaLous arhZ..........iF miSs me deN caLl mE la..
i so scAre of heLlo kiTty nOw~
simoney lost her way @
1:50 PM
Friday, August 27, 2004
sO tiRed~!
now painting my nails..hehez..
today quite alot of things happen..the CCN day preparation,
den deborah thing, den my boyfriend..
fRanKLy..i reAlly dun likE the pacKage for my coOkies.but
wAt caN i do? gUess i haVe to leT it bE....but my frenz quite
uNhappY..cOs i tOld theM shouLd be a bOx.. :(
sOrRy guys...and Esp. mY bf...pRomiSe claSsmatEs le..nOw so emBarraSS.....
dEbOraH thInggy..i gUess shE juz thInk too muCh....
rEally hopE she caN soRt things oUt and bE likE befOre..
hmm...iF saT i goIng tEmple, gUess i'll gEt her a 'fU'..
hoPe shE can be saFe and haPpy (",)
mY bf tolD me he duN liKe me to pLay so mUch wIth guys...hmmmx..
sO sAd...hAi..
buT i guEss i won'Tremember the next day~ hehez~
so tired today man..cos the whole of this busy..quarrel wtH bF..
deN slP so laTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeSterday weNt naN bIn houSe baKe cookIe..around 10.40 den leFT
hEr hOuse..dEn my bF quarrel with fAmily..acComPany hIm unTil
aRouNd 1 dEn reAch hoMe..
sO tIred~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hoPe tomorrOw's cCn thinggy went smoothly..
sOrrY gUys about the PackAge aGain~!!!!!!!!!!!!
simoney lost her way @
1:49 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
today is nOT a vEry hAppy daY......
jO...I can'T foRget wateVa u dId k..i still
cAn't beliEve u said i'm a liAr...faKe...
eXtreMely dePresS
dEn tOday, i caN't coNtrol mY emOtioN...kEep cRying...haIz....
hEard alOt of tHings aBout MARS...
reAlly caN't belieVe sHe's taT kInd of pErson..FreaKinG mAn...
Galz..wE muZ uniTe toGether~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sO saD...pAng p@ng chIcken pOx...
pAng PanG.....we'll miss u when ya aWay..
sO scAre yoU'll spRead the ChicKen poX to mE~!!!!!!!!!!!! hahah
sAd fOr...aCtually pLan nOt to bUlly u fOr 2 weEks...
mUz trY to sAve moNey bUy peRfumE le...hehez...
tO all my frEnz,
taKe caRe arhzz(drInk mOre waTer (",)
simoney lost her way @
2:00 PM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Wahahha~so happy today...get so many cookies orders from my secondary frenz...wahahahaha~!
Not Bad ar my promoting skill..hehez.. (mY bf's eFfort la.....)(happy???)
tOday in many things happen..deborah..think so much..haiyo...
And to MarS...
geT a lIve Mars~! stoP beIng an aTtenTioN seEker...haiz..
dEn keep playing wif pang pang..nan bin and bi er..haha~
mY polY liFe will be sOooo bored wiThout tHem..haha~
TimE for seRious thinKing guYs~!!!!
Do u wan to maRry Early??????
tHis ques haunt me for 2 daYs le...
If can..i wIsh i could sEnt The iNvitatIon c@rd oUt le..haha~!
Marry gOod...
wHen i'm 25...mY kid aLreaDy 7 yrs old~!
I can cOntiNue my sTudies..aNd work..And pple is wilLinG to emPloy mE...
If i mArRy laTe...aRound 27-28..
i cAnNot ConTinue mY stUdies...jOb..And mAny stuFf after i hAve kId...
Now mArRy..nO mOneY..and i OnlycAre abOut mY plAn...
kInda sElfiSh huh?
whoEver reAd my bLog...
gO anD tHink aBout it...MayBe i'l aSk u soMeday...
HahA~ eNoUgh to tHinK foR thE day...
fRenz..TAke care aR
ReaLly mIss alL thE dAy wE haD spEnt tOgeTher..
ThAnkz fOr tHe orDering Also...
*~Nitey nitez~*
simoney lost her way @
2:09 PM
Monday, August 23, 2004
haha~ today i go meet my secondary frenz~ yihong so long didn't meet her...didn't change at all..hahaha~! meet her for breakfast,den due to THE BIG WALK, i met jj gang, ronnie they gd..
haha~ they're still as funny as before..
today ah seng sad sad, cos of the cookie thing..but frankly, i can't be bothered..cos i think is for sch, not for me..hahahah~!
I finally write testimonial for BingWEi n YiHong le..i so gd..hehe~!
My "uncle" ( u know who u r...hehe)bought me a Winnie pooh set juz b'cos of the TigGer inside~ so sweet..haha~! Touched..
For the rest of the day, i rot at home..but nice love..(feel so so loved again~!hahha! my cousin joey so cute..juz like me..haha!
sianz arhz...tml goin to sch again~!!!!!!!! dun wish sianz...too bad...
for today...
JJ already ordered 3 packet of cookies from me..hehe
the rest MUZ also support arhz...hahaha~! CALl mE!
simoney lost her way @
1:02 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
my fav. tigger~!
simoney lost her way @
10:13 PM
`the whole set...sonice ritez?
simoney lost her way @
10:12 PM
I always worry that my secondary frenz will forget me...oneday..but i found out that its not goin to happen~! s0 h@pPy..
Feel so l0ved!
All close frenz from secondary school..i'm really happy u visit my blog..esp qx..yh..lynn...ronnie..
s0 nce to know that u guys still remember me...and care for me...hehe
today i so fun..I went to parkway shop shop...buythings for my baby..den went to EAst cOast eaT nice~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha~!
thankz pals...u make my evening so fun n interesting~!
quite roMantic...haha!
My sch got this CCN day...den my class is sellingcookies..haha!
order from me k?
really hope u guys can support...very cheap..($1-$2..with pretty package)
and MY cookies is really tasty...and nice...and..cute...
My cookis is juz liek its aMUZ to buy..hahahah~!
iF wan order arh...muz call me k? or send me an e-mail~!
i fe#lso lOveD..hehez...
But if got pple buy my cookie...i'llfeeleven more l0veD..hahahhahahahha
todayi'm so happy...buT..abt deb...i really duno wat to say....wateva...
tAke caRe all my frenz~!
simoney lost her way @
3:06 PM
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Finally~ after few hours of struggling, i finally have a blog.....wahahhahahahhahaha~! its
But its fun~! i want to keep this blog to my gd frenz,boyboy..and family only k??? try not to spread it around...hehe~
Today i'm not very happy...due to CCN day preparation and some things....i have to do so many cookies..stress...den so rush..sad sad..
Den today so tired, use so much time creating this block..hehe den school until math only get 81/100,Arghz..
That "stupid" bi er...hahahha~! juz kidding!
Nice being wif bi er,Amy, and Nan Bin(my current bes frenz in poly)..They are so fun to be with..(blUsh bLush)
Amy, i will really try not to bully u again~ (2 mins!)
Thank god i have a bf like jo...hahaha! He'so sweet.... i complain so much he didn't even grumble, den i keep throwin my temper at him..(guilt...)
simoney lost her way @
3:14 AM
5o l0veD...haha
simoney lost her way @
12:13 AM
Friday, August 20, 2004
me and my boyfrenz...
simoney lost her way @
12:02 AM
nice new frenz i have~!
simoney lost her way @
12:00 AM