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Wednesday, September 29, 2004


nOw onlY haF the daY gonE...buT i still feEl so letharGic...

yesTerdaY sicK sICk...vOmit...deN cannOt CeleBRate my bF's sisTer's bDay ceLebraTion...


nOw alSO sicK sicK~!

dEn todaY stAy aT homE the whOle day..sO bORinG~!!!!!!!!!!
But finaLly goT timE to sPend wiTh my MOm~

yEsterDay gO ps waTch thE new poLIce stORy~
veRY typiCAL jackIe's acTion moVie..
bUT stilL niCE la~ haha~

den Went shOpping~ shOpping~ and sHoPping~
but didN't bougHt anytHing~

Tt day weNt suntEc wif mom alreaDy bouGHt 2 tops aND a nEW pair oF
shOes le~ hehez~


nO stuDy moOd~ juZ finish CKT reVision...haHAz~
alSO reAD thrOught nia..haha~

BorIng is bOring la..
bUT latER goIng to waTCh mooN wif deAR deaR~!!!!


Quite haPpy leh~

hOPe i not sICk sICk later~!

simoney lost her way @ 5:25 AM

Sunday, September 26, 2004

my Cous Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 12:03 AM

Saturday, September 25, 2004

mY loVing paRents~ Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 11:51 PM

mY cOusins~ en eN & joEy Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 11:49 PM

piC oF tHe 4 of uS!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 11:46 PM

i onCe thOughti cAn'T fInd anY goOd freNz iN poLY..
bUt i waS wrOng..
i fOund 3 wOndeRful galz
4 difFereNt galz.
4 differenT galz wiF differeNt chaRacterisTic...
*Amy*~ *bi eR*~ and *naNbin*~
amy is a Gal i alwAys bulLY~ butshe veRy cUte~She maKe uS eaCh a FrenShiP baNd..wRap unTil veRy nice~sO sweEt oF heR~Den she eVen maKE us wonDerfUl cUrRy~haha~thAnks fOR evErytHIng~i'lL trY noT to buLly u~
biEr is a vEry ceLvEr..yeT veRy veRy blUr gal..sHe gOT alOt of fuNny comMents nOw aNd then..hahahha~'waN tang yuan arhz, go biTe nan bin heAd la!'sO scheMing...hahaz~i thinK shE's alwayS thInking of thIngs..bUT we'll neVer know wat..hahaz~ya...sHe anD aMy veRy goOd freN..shE always pRoteCt aMy..bUt amy..vEry bad..aLways 'buLly' her~ hahahha~LaSt timE weNt ikeA wif thEm, sO funNy~ haha~hide-and-seek with aMy, deN bi er so sOft-heArted..haha~
NanBin iS m beStfreN in tP~ heHez~She alwayS saY she's kInd..waTeva~ hahaha~ so fUnny~bUt sHe's a gOod lisTener~dEn veRy eaSy to trIck heR..dEn aLways eAT alOt witH her..hahaz~ sUmtImes sHe's quIte slOw..dEn i tOo faSt..alWays saY i ruSh heR!haHa~ She's reAllY nice~BOughT evEryonE kinDa sURprise!!
gUys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If u nEeD a gF whO iS sweEt, nIce, fuNky~ dilIgeNt, cUte, aNd etc...i'm sOrrY i'm boOked..ahahha~
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!u caN loOk fOr naNbin~ cOs she's sTill sinGle!!!!Nice and swEeT gal..haha!!
AnyWay, i waNna thaNkz u gaLz fOR everYthing~Fun semestER!

simoney lost her way @ 11:36 PM

nIcE NicE day~ toDay i Went sHopPing Wof bEe~ Bought a Baby PinK liP gloSs,A sKiRt fRom eBase..hehez~ sO gUilty..sPend $35 iN a daY...haha~So nIce..Can Shop aNd haVe fUn wIf my SecOndAry SchOol frEnz..haha~ShE BouGht sO maNy tHing..sKirt, deN 2 ShIrts..eNvy sIa..
sO maNy dAys dIdn'T uPdaTebLog le..Miss sO manY tHings..
ImPorTanT/FunNy/waTevA Things thAt hapPeneD fOr tHe paSt feW days..
~Amy ToOk pHoto of HerseLf den keNa lAugheD bY passIng-bY a iNdiaN stUdent~Bi er says Nan biN loOk liKe tanG yUan ~uRinE teSt~nan bIn dRop hEr uRine alL oVer thE gaL tOilet~WeNt eaTing wIf naN bin at beDok bLk 85(not sure~ hehez)~dePreSsion~RusH pRojectS....!!!!!!!!!!! TCS! INETCF~sKip lOts of HAP eXtrA leSsons~Amy cOok nIce NicE jaP CurRY fOr us for End oF seMester!! YumMy!~nAn Bin Bought KindEr sURprIse for UsfOr enD of seMesTer!! SweeT!~bI Er fOrget tO BrinG rIce for AmY's cUrry...~bI Er aNyhoW droP ouR apel's mAterIal iNto WrOng piGeon hOle..
hAi!MiSs sO manY tHings!!!!!!!!!!SaD..coUldn't Write alL in deTail...
But nVm~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We'Re gOinG to HavE a ChalEt soOn~So miSs tHe gAlz now~ hehez~

simoney lost her way @ 11:35 PM

Thursday, September 16, 2004

mY laPtop stIll canNot tyPe...
sO...i Have to uSe my bro's deSktoP..wahahhaa~

These Few dayS so Buzy.~~~

TesT teSt and teSt...

dfund-still ok..
haP-still can pass..
E-math-Can'T maKe it
cKt-Copy deN caN pasS...
inEtcF-cOpy bI eR's...wahahhaha

i'm in suCh a meSs....!!!!!!

QuitE hapPy...

After tHe clOck stRike 12 tOday..
i & boy bOy 19th moNth ann. le~


So hapPy~ tommorRow caN sHop~


HapPy~ sO exCitiNg~


HOpe eVerYday cAn bE aS haPpy~

PleAse dUn sPoil mY mooD when I'm at My 'haPpiesT'

simoney lost her way @ 10:09 PM

Saturday, September 11, 2004


sO tired!

now in school online..wahhahahah~ only now free and can access to my blogpage..
duno y...my laptop cannot type...

these few day so many project!
den everyday so late slp!

Next weEk still havE a lot of qUiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So buSy...

StresS maN...

toDay finALly can gO ouT plaY, enJoy with boY boY!!

Go bUgis!!!
Go tEmple pray praY!


dEn boY boY say maBe hiS mom goin~ hoho~
aBit scAre scaRe...wahahhahahahahha
But should be quitE fun ba...



sO happY now! bUt very tireD...


simoney lost her way @ 4:10 AM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

my family! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 12:23 AM

my aunt,cousin and me in genting Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 12:22 AM

Monday, September 06, 2004

sO tiRed.......juZ baCk frOm geNting..hehezz~
quiTe fuN laa..haha~
dUring mY sTay thEre, sO misS my BOy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eVerY yR wE weNt gEntIng...sO nOt vEry eXcitEd aBoUt the TRIp
bUt thIs tIme dIffEreNT!!!!!!!!!!

mY fiRst enCounter wiTh gHOst..
mY hoTel rOom 'dIrty'...

tHe stOry so lOng..so i'll only teLl thOse frEnz in sCh and call
Bee thEY all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go thEre enJoy liFe man..wahhahaha~
EveryDay plAY,eAt ,sLp.

i bOught quIte alot of tHings..hehe~
snAck..thIngs for dEar deAr...sHopPing...
nOt muCh alSo la...

back le-but Sick

tHink aTe toO much jUnk fOod thEre....
dEn thEre toO coLd.....
sOre thRoat.fLu. fEver.

today When i reAch sIngaPore..
mY deAr deaR alreaDy waiT foRmE unDer my blOck(so swEet!!!!!)
den he paSs mea PosTcard with a keycHain, and a baDge!
'Love u fOrever' it says...wahahhaha~

sumTimEs hE's juZ so sweEt to mE...

feEl so Xin kU...

oh yEah...
today's my mom's bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haPpy b'daYmy deAr mom!!!
3 cheErs foR U!


simoney lost her way @ 2:59 PM

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Pang, u stay at home enjoy lor....

sO many project~


so tirEd toDay...

These feW daY sLeeP so Late, wAke uP so eaRly..
sO tired....
I haTe ProJecTs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tOday quIte fuN la...haha~

i bouGHt 4 sTalk of FloWers..
COSt ME $10.80!!!!!!!!!!
SO expensive~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but nVm la.....
Once a yeAr...hehez

i weNt to Wrs~ met so maNY teAcheRs and oLd frenz!
i miSs u guYs sO mucH leh sandrA, benGgy, sOo fEn....
and oThers...toDay fiNally caN meeT yOu gUys le...


deN i weNt to myPri school..so Sad all thE teachers Have DinNer
tOnigHt, sO misS thE chAnce tO meEt heR..saD..

buT afTer thAt i cAtcH mOvie wiTh boy...AVP!
tHe shOw so scAAry...i uSe my haNds preSs on mY eaRs until
haNd numb!!!!!!!!!!!! haha! nice show la....

deN i go boY bOy houSewaTch my FavouriTe moVie..
FoRresT guMp
hehe...niCe nIce nIcE....
sO nIce and swEet...
tOday so Tired...
Hope go gEntIng tHere caN haVe a GoOd reSt
gAlz, I'll mIss u gUys wheN i'm thEre...

simoney lost her way @ 12:48 PM