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Friday, October 29, 2004

i'm sO tired!!!
have to work everyday..until next wed...haiz..
so sianz...

sO many things to say..
buT i toO tired!!

oH ya!
boY boughT a neW toP from ebase!
den japanese nice nice...
sO miss bOy.....


simoney lost her way @ 10:04 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


.perfume(ChristiaN dIor!)
.blusher (EstEe laudER!)
.fOundatIon (aNnA suI!)
.blusher (sTIla!)
.knit wear (gIO!)
.lip gloss(maYbelLine)
.Mp3 plaYer
.more top(...)
.higHligHt my haIr!
.moRe cosmetiCs!
.MOre thIngs!!!!


ChrIsTmas is cOming...
bOy...u're the 1st vIctim..

Hehez............... ~_~

simoney lost her way @ 11:14 PM

sO tired!

acTually todAy didn;t do much things...

that day i went for wOrk at Taka
den get keys, uniform..stuff..
den work


we taKe caB to tradeMart
dO stocK cheCk and sticking price tag...


i cut Accidently few packets of the
Jap pOtatO chips!

the jap boSs stilL say nvm!

treat us as tea break snacks!
the gals, including me..
leavethe whole bag in the locker..

so no $$$ eat..
have to borrow from the guys.

end of workIng-experience...

toDay i wenT shopPing with mom!
but our main intention is to cut hair!!

quite stupid cos my mom's hair is already very short..
den my hair.....
only want more layering...

in the end...
we look like we didn't cut our hair!

sO nice to be ouT with mom!
she should come out more...
she's so nice..

really hope i can spend more time with her..
show her i really love her
let her have more fun
make her happier
can earn more $$ for her
let her be healtier
hope she dun have to worry so much about $$
hope she can be very happy..

frenz...visit meif u can..i'm at taka, B2

simoney lost her way @ 11:03 PM

Monday, October 25, 2004

nothing nice to share today.
hope tml will be a better day....

simoney lost her way @ 10:37 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2004

sOmetimEs i reaLly feeL vexed...
liVing with otHer peOple alreaDy very bad le...
now still muz enDure....

toDay my aUnt wanNa bUy us KFC for lunch
itS a trEAt
sUpPose to bE verY nicE thIng..
deN my cOusin...
needs tO call the delivery service..

so..i'm sUppose to heLp with the ordering~
sO i help..
den my Cousin starts to calculate thE amount..
show displeaSe..
likE i wanna eaT her mother's $$$

i very angry!
i asK her tO order hersElf!
anD she givE me attitude!!!!!!
saY waT our familY eaT aloT!
sO i order!
none of her Business!

her mother's treat lor!
so i scolded her softly..
den she give me aTTiTude again!!!
thrOw the thIngs on table den acT slp!
say wat we alwAys eat alot!

somEtimeS i hate her!!!!

in order to prevent awkwardness..
i've to order
and call

even though iate the KFC

my mood was spoilt

deN i have to buY black sHoes fOr wOrk..
so ugly!

tot can wear socks inside so not so...
den i went to buy

at home try den cannot!!!!
the socks will come out from the sidE!!!!!!!
wasted anOther $10


now i not only need fairy for slimming powder!
i also nid the luCky powder!

simoney lost her way @ 1:56 PM

fat fat me...bOo~ Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 12:14 AM

pretty me~ Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 12:13 AM

my ugly shoes... Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 12:12 AM

Saturday, October 23, 2004

tOday i waKeup at 7!
juz tO accomPany bOy fOr breaKfast at admirately!

todaY's bOy graduaTIon day!
hE's so haPpy~
bUt he takEs alot Of pictuRes wiF gaLs!
itS ok...but i wan tO know why he muZ geT

so veRY close

wIth the gaLs!

head muZ stIck togEther
liKe hugGing...


bUt its nOt the isSue now.

i think i tOo faT

eveN my olD neigHbouR said sO!

i muz lose MORE weighT!

back to..
at the very least 45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i pray...

for the fairy...

sprinkle some magic dust on me..

~_~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~

and i'll be slim...............


simoney lost her way @ 3:19 PM

Friday, October 22, 2004


todAy i vEry guAI!

stay at home the whole day!

noThing tO do...sO sleEp alot!




FOr me quIte a lot le la...

den acTually meeT boy go jogging
but rain!

so i jog for 30mins at home..


eat little today..now so hungry!


tml's boy's graduation day!


hOpe i can conTinue the exercises..

eat lesseR

den become slimer..


simoney lost her way @ 1:13 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2004

me & boy at his house, 20th month ann! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:58 PM

pretty me at boy's house! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:58 PM

i wear boy's shirt! haha! so big man! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:57 PM

tHis morning actUAlly askEd boy to accomPany joGging...

i can't wake up...

11am den wake up...


den feel so....

after that meet boy for lunch..

quarrell about my fat..
my size..

i still think he minds alot about my weight thinggy..

i weNt fOR so manY intErview..
at orChard...
with bee...

none InteRest mE...

None has InteRESt in mE also!!!!!


i'm not really gOod in taLking or inTroduCing myself to strangerS!


hagen daaz
cafe Gelare
alot of shops in farEast!

afTEr a lOng day oF inTerviews

tired out myself...

waLk until sleePy..

DEN that GEraldinE from taka called me!!!!!!

thank god man...
got job le..hahahaha~

27th oct-7th nov

work at a fair~

den call amY and forcE her to work with me...

sO good man!


i muz really lose some weight le...

i muz be slimer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOrk hard!!!!!!!!!!

earn money ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maY god blesS!

simoney lost her way @ 1:45 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

tOday i went bUffet wIth my aUnt anD cOusin
at VIennA

SO stuPid...aUnt dunO thE waY..
DeN anyhOw waLk...PanIck..haha~
mY aUnt fUnny..ovEr littLE thingS panIck..hahahha~

aTe alOt man...

fried bee hoon
2 cheese oyster
2 bowl steam egg
1 bigbowl of small octapus
2 piece of cake
3 bowl of jelly
3 big prawns
1 bowl shark fins soup
fake abalone slices


I caN't remembeR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i sO fat...

exPensive alSO~!

each perSOn $30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bUt mY aunt paY..hehez~

wEnt Orchard shOP...
mY aunt bouGHt 4 neW pairs Or ear rings!!
1 pair of shoes!

haha~ so spendthrift...
mY cousins reaLly veRy naUghty..
So younG...yEt so tricKy arhz~

scOld the baBy COusin until shE cRy man...

i so mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


today so Nice...

Tml i'm gOin to meEt my aunt and COusins again to sWim sWIm!!

bUt sianz....

neEd go scHoOl fOR the sTudent ambassador..


sO sPoilt moOd...

DidN't meEt bOy todaY..


i feEl sO blue............

simoney lost her way @ 1:26 PM

Monday, October 18, 2004

i duno whY i comE out wiF thIs idea..buT i did sOmethIng stupiD
for mY boy...haha~

i bougHt a shirT..plain one...haha

deN i draw thIngs on it using...


haha~ sO stuPid...haha~

caNnOt be wasHed...

sIze tOo sMall fOr boY..

deN i bUy a Card..aNd drAw..



i sO chilDisH...


hOPE u liKe the PreSent boy...

simoney lost her way @ 1:43 PM


tOday i weAr shOpPing wIf boY!!!!!!!
cELebraTe our 20th montH annIerSary...haHA!!

hE bougHt me 2 zaRa shIrt!!!!!!!!!!!! yeaH!!!!!

aFter thAT..

we aCcomPany mY couSin dUring heR breaK..
nOthing MUch or vEry inTerEsting..hahahah!
bUt mY cOusin is a reAlly nice galz..hehez~

Went foR dinNer at PS...
PIZZA HUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

aTe beEf lasagne..
deN bOY boY ate the cuRry zzlzE..

Nice niCe..


i feeL sO bad leH...
usE so maNy moneY in a daY...


PizzA hUt- $33..


bUt i truely enJOy myseLF~

tMl mY aunT is gOin tO treaT mE lunCh!
At VienNa!!!!!!


hOPe i Won'T gRow tOO bIg in sIZe theSe feW dayz...


simoney lost her way @ 1:17 AM

Sunday, October 17, 2004

a flower i draw on the back of shirt..hehez Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:37 PM

this design is draw on the left collar..haha~ Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:36 PM

design i draw for boy's shirt~ our ann present! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:34 PM

anOther shIRt frOm zaRA!!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:25 PM

neW bouGht shIrt frOm zaRA!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 10:23 PM

I am 12% evil.

I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.

Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com

quite interesting~ haha~give it a try!!

simoney lost her way @ 1:52 PM

wa~ sO niCe
FINALLY my Laptop 'aLlows' Me to wrITe my bLoG le..haha~

tOday..i sLeEp alMOst tHe whOle daY...
yesterday night- 2 am slp tIll 11.30 am



like Pig liKe thAt..

tHese feW dayS kniT alOt...
FinisH knitTing amy's & bI eR's mP3 plaYer poUch...


tOo baD...nO chancE tO meEt them reCently..

weNt tO aunT housE ..meEt my cOusin!!!!!!!!!

shE's 7 moNth preGnant..

sTomAch sO bIg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

bUt she's onLy 52 kg nOw..
sTill gRumble aBout her weIght....


caN't waIT fOr heR baby tO bE bOrn....

~_~ ~_~

tomOrrOw's 20th mOnth anNiverSary..

GiVe bOy bOY somE surPrise...hehez...

hE prOmise tO bUy me sO mny tHings...
haha~ yeAh!

zara top- $16.90
tOp shOp- $28.90
37 dEgreE tOP-$36.90
lOng slEeve shIrt-$36.90

thInk thAt's alL...haha~

waNna eaT piZza....haha~ tmL!!!!!!!!!!

tMl's shOppinG daY!!!!!!!!


mOndaY gOin shOpping wIf aUnt...haha~


iTs sO excitinG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

simoney lost her way @ 12:32 PM

Saturday, October 16, 2004

i caN alMost SeE sPiderweB in My bloG le...haha~
SO long dIdn't upDAte le....


reVIew Last feW weEks Impt "neWs"

.goinG to faIL dfUnd anD e-maTh
.So misS paNg, NanbIn anD bi eR
.nAnbIn haVe a neW dog Name -sky (jj!!!)
.The bBq/chAlet that gOing On/Off
.fiNallY geT my shIsheidO fOundaTIon!! ($35!)

.rEjeCt aNothEir tuItioN bY aGent 'Cos i Suay..keNa indIAn faMily agAIn
.Went to euPhoRIa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.sAw my IdOL-MLTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.Job RecOmmeNdaTion bY paNG aT taKa
.Read tHe bOok 'thE crOssIng' bY danielle Steel..Cry liKe hell
.GeT bacK my ReaDIng haBit
.Knit aLot
.REaLise i've sOme 'aRt' iN myseLf
.inTendIng TO waTch maMa^Mia
.WAtcheD wHite Chicks (daMn fUnny!)





Too Many tHIngs to liSt!!!!!!!!!!

If mY laPtop aiN't that Ousy..
i COuld haVe wrIte mY blog



simoney lost her way @ 8:42 AM

Friday, October 15, 2004

mE anD bOy at euPhOria!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 5:57 PM

anOther MLTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 5:47 PM

prEtTy mE~ Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 5:46 PM

mY idOl!!!!!!!!!!!-- MLTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 5:46 PM

sHin- ah shin!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 5:45 PM

macHi- xIao paNg!!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 5:44 PM

Saturday, October 02, 2004

we in the train!!! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 1:10 AM

me & boy boy! Posted by Hello

simoney lost her way @ 1:08 AM

wa~ today s childreN's daY! yeaH!junJIe stIll sms me, wishing me haPpy childRen's day~ haha sO sweeT!

At leasT some freNz reMember! heHe, fOr childreN's daY...i givebOy bOY a tickeT for the tiger beer conCErt..haha~hopE he likE the PreSent...heheZ~

Boy bOY boUGht me a neW sheepy nOteboOk! haha! tOday actually goT my 1sT tuition 1...bUT tat stUpid faMily...lucKily maN...indIan famIly...hehez~den tuition cancellEd...tHe ageNt so cUTe man! haha!

so...i weNt to tampinEse... get into aGent'scar..heaDing to hOugang.. deN go back to tampinese again..... den back to woOdlands........WASTED 2 HOURS ON TRANSPORT TODAY!!!!!!!

i havEn studY finISh Or evEN a SIngLE suBject Yet leH!!!!!wHy is gOd trEAting mE in sUch a waY....hehez...

afTEr bacK to woodlands....bOY boy gOT no cHOice bUt to accompany me..haha~!

aTe durian!!!!!!!!!!!!my favourite fruit!YUPPYZ!

deN after that wenT to my aUnt houSe..hehez~brOught my 2 young young cOusin to pasam malam(duno how to sPEll)haha!!!sO fun!haha!nice night leh~ haha!!hOPe my nexT tuItion thInggY not aS suay le..hehez!


simoney lost her way @ 12:07 AM